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What Do Skunks Eat?

Writer's picture: Brampton Wildlife Control Inc.Brampton Wildlife Control Inc.

Updated: Oct 29, 2024

Introduction to Skunk Dietary Habits

Skunks are opportunistic feeders and primarily nocturnal animals with a diverse diet. Understanding what skunks feed on is crucial for managing skunk populations and preventing conflicts with humans. This article will explore the various food sources that make up a skunk's diet and how their eating habits change throughout the year.

What Do Skunks Eat
What Do Skunks Eat?


Skunk Biology and Their Nutritional Needs

Skunks, including both striped skunks and spotted skunks, are highly adaptable creatures that consume a wide range of food sources. They will eat small mammals, including small prey such as rabbits, small rodents, and even small snakes. Their sharp claws and long claws allow them to dig into the ground to search for food, while their keen sense of smell helps them locate available food sources, such as insects and other small animals. A balanced diet, including small rodents, is essential for skunks to stay warm during the colder winter months. Managing your yard and removing anything that attracts skunks—like food scraps, rock piles, or unsecured trash cans—can help reduce skunk visits. No available food means fewer trips to your property, which will prevent a skunk problem from developing. Using deterrents like citrus peel, predator urine, or cayenne pepper around your property can further help keep skunks at bay.


Seasonal Variation in Skunk Diet

Spring and Summer

Skunks dig through the ground and can get under rock piles in search of foods, using their strong claws to uncover hidden food sources. Additionally, skunks search for any type of food scraps and garbage disposal cans can sometimes be a buffet for these creatures. These can most definitely attract skunks, as well as other animals like raccoons. They often search for:

- Insects and grubs

- Smaller mammals like mice and rats

- Ground nesting birds and their eggs

- Various plants and berries, fruits and nuts, garden crop

-Trash cans are exceptional at attracting skunks (and other animals)

-Pet food (if you have small animals or domestic pets, do not feed them outside as this will very likely attract skunks to your yard)

Fall and Winter

As temperatures drop, skunks adapt their diet to available food sources:

- Dead animals

- Leftover fruits and vegetables

- Small prey that haven’t hibernated


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Natural Food Sources for Skunks

Do Skunks Eat Insects?

Insects form a significant part of a skunk's diet. They commonly consume:

- Beetle larvae

- Bees

- Other insects

Are Skunks Carnivorous or Omnivorous?

Skunks are omnivores, they will eat small animals. A lot of people have started raising chickens and hens on their property. If you have a chicken coop..beware, because skunks eat chickens - make sure your coop is secure and locked to prevent skunks getting in. They’ll consume animal matter and plant materials as well. Their diet includes:

- Small mammals (rabbits, mice, rats)

- Small snakes

- Small creatures like grubs

- Fruits and vegetables


The Role of Fruits and Vegetables in a Skunk's Diet

Skunks enjoy a variety of plant-based foods, including:

- Berries

- Fruits

- Roots and other plant materials


Do Skunks Eat Human Foods?

Skunks are attracted to human food sources, which can lead to conflicts:

- Pet food left outdoors

- Garbage cans and trash bins are a major food source for them

- Compost piles

Risks of Human Food for Skunks

While skunks may be attracted to human food, it can pose risks:

- Nutritional imbalances

- Dependence on human-provided food sources


Skunks and Their Hunting Behaviour

Skunks use their sharp claws and sense of smell to locate food. They often:

- Dig holes in search of grubs and insects

- Hunt small prey like mice and birds


The Impact of Habitat on Skunk Diet

Urban Skunks vs. Rural Skunks

Skunks in urban areas may have different diets compared to their rural counterparts:

- Urban skunks often rely more on human-associated food sources

- Rural skunks have greater access to natural food options


How Do Skunks Find Their Food?

Skunks use various techniques to locate food:

- Digging with their long claws

- Using their keen sense of smell

- Searching under rocks and in rock crevices


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When Do Baby Skunks Arrive In Ontario?

Baby Skunks' Diet

Baby skunks transition from milk to solid foods as they grow. Their diet gradually expands to include insects and small prey.


Impact of Diet on Skunk Health

A proper diet is crucial for skunk health and longevity. Nutritional deficiencies can lead to various health issues.


Skunk Behaviour and Identification

Skunks are easily recognizable by their distinctive black body and white stripes. These white stripes serve as a warning to potential predators. Eastern spotted skunks are found in northwest Ontario but only the striped version is in the GTHA. When skunks feel threatened, they can spray a potent, foul-smelling liquid as a defence mechanism, accurately from 15’ to 20’ away, as a defence mechanism. This skunk spray is a powerful deterrent that can cause irritation and discomfort to eyes and skin.

Skunks are known to eat chickens if given the opportunity, which can be a problem for backyard poultry owners. Their favourite foods include insects, small mammals, and fruits, but they're adaptable and will take advantage of easy food sources provided by human activity.


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Managing Skunk-Human Interactions

To deter skunks and prevent skunk problems, consider the following measures:

1. Secure garbage cans and trash bins

2. Remove pet food from outdoor areas

3. Clean up fallen fruit and bird seed

4. Block access to crawl spaces and other buildings

5. Use bright lights or loud noises to scare skunks away

If skunks become a persistent issue, it may be necessary to contact professional skunk removal services. Companies like Brampton Wildlife Control specialize in humane skunk removal and can provide expert advice on preventing future skunk problems.

Remember, at first sight of a skunk, it's best to keep your distance to avoid startling the animal and potentially triggering its spray reflex.


Frequently Asked Questions About Skunk Diet

- Do skunks eat snakes? Yes, small snakes can be part of a skunk's diet.

- Are skunks picky eaters? No, skunks are opportunistic and will eat a wide variety of foods.

- Can skunks eat cat food? While skunks may be attracted to cat food, it's not a natural part of their diet.

- What do skunks eat in winter? In winter, skunks rely more on small mammals, carrion, and human-associated food sources.

- How much does a skunk eat in a day? The amount varies, but skunks generally eat enough to maintain their body weight.

- Can feeding skunks cause problems? Yes, feeding skunks can lead to habituation and increase human-wildlife conflicts.



Understanding what skunks eat is essential for coexisting with these animals. By managing food sources and taking preventive measures, we can reduce conflicts and ensure a healthy environment for both skunks and humans. Remember that while skunks play an important role in our ecosystem, it's best to appreciate them from a distance and avoid attracting them to residential areas.

Wildlife Control Brampton
Wildlife Control Brampton

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