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Raccoon Removal Services

Call Us At  (437) 777-1176 For A Raccoon Removal Brampton Service Provider

  • Humane Baby Raccoon Removal From Attic

  • Tested Animal Removal Process

  • Competitive Raccoon Removal Cost

  • Raccoon Removal & Roof Repair

  • Wild Animal Prevention Services

  • Raccoon Removal & Cleaning Services

  • Brampton Wildlife Control Specialists

  • Local Wildlife Removal Company

  • Discount For Semi-Detached Homes

  • Get Humane Raccoon Removal

Brampton Raccoon Removal​ & Prevention Services

Raccoons can be a nuisance pest animal, causing damage to property and creating health hazards. If you have raccoons in your attic, it's important to hire a professional raccoon removal company with years of experience as soon as possible.


Raccoon Removal Cost  - The price will vary depending on how much you invest in protecting other areas of your home from Brampton’s growing raccoon population.


Brampton Wildlife Control is the company that has the proper equipment for effective raccoon control. We know raccoon behaviour and how to fix raccoon issues for property owners.

Why Are Raccoons Attracted To Your Yard?


If you've ever found a raccoon rummaging through your trashcan or raiding your bird feeder, you may be wondering what attracts these pesky creatures to your property. There are actually a few reasons why raccoons are drawn to yards, and understanding these reasons can help you deter them from your property in the future.


One reason raccoons are attracted to yards is that they offer an easy food source. Raccoons are opportunistic eaters and will take advantage of any free food they can find. If you have a bird feeder, pet food bowl, or even just an unsecured trashcan, raccoons will likely be drawn to your yard in search of a meal.


Additionally, raccoons are attracted to yards because they offer a place to build a den. These black mask animals are experts at finding small spaces to squeeze into, and your yard may provide the perfect spot for raising their young. Finally, raccoons are attracted to yards because they offer a place to escape the heat and the cold. Raccoons are most active at night, but during extreme weather conditions, they may seek refuge in your yard during the day.


By understanding what attracts raccoons to yards, you can take steps to deter them from your property.

Brampton Wildlife Control, Wildlife Control Brampton

How To Get Rid Of Raccoons


One common method (not recommended by Brampton Wildlife Control Inc.) for getting rid of raccoons is trapping and removal. This involves setting traps baited with food near the entry points into your attic. Once the raccoon is caught, it can be removed from your property and released elsewhere. The cost of this method ranges in cost and increases depending on the number of raccoons and the length of time it takes to catch all the raccoons.


We Don’t Recommend Using A Raccoon Trapper For A Few Reasons:

  1. You will never get rid of all the raccoons in your neighbourhood, and this method can be a big waste of money without permanent results.

  2. It is not the most effective way to control raccoons on your property if they also take shelter in the attic or underneath the deck.

  3. It's inhumane to separate a female raccoon from her babies and the companies that set traps during the baby season aren’t always concerned if the babies are left behind in the attic nesting area to starve to death or get stuck inside the walls of your home.

  4. We get calls every baby season from desperate homeowners who mistakenly relocated the mother raccoon by hiring a raccoon trapper, asking if we can come to retrieve the crying babies from the attic and take them with us.

  5. Unfortunately, the raccoon babies don’t have a good chance to survive at this point. The raccoon trapper company should be the ones to go back to deal with the mess they created.

Be Humane When Trapping Raccoons

At Times, Hiring Raccoon Trappers Is The Only Option

Suppose your situation can only be solved by getting rid of the raccoons by trapping and relocating them. In that case, you should consider the worst-case scenarios and be certain the raccoon trapper will inspect the trapped raccoon while still on your property. It would have to be released on-site if it's a nursing mother.


Some reasons trapping and relocating raccoons is the only option:

  1. Raccoon latrine on your property - raccoons are notorious for leaving droppings right in front of the door, usually a back deck or fire escape.

  2. Homeowners with fish ponds or vegetable gardens might be desperate to hire a raccoon trapper if a raccoon got a taste for an easy free meal every night.

  3. A sick or disoriented raccoon is hanging around the property. Distemper is a common raccoon illness so trapping and euthanasia may by required.

The One-Way Door Method Is Safe And Humane Raccoon Removal:

Another common method for removing raccoons is exclusion. This involves sealing all entry points into your attic so the raccoons can no longer get in. Once they are sealed out, they will eventually leave, searching for a new place to live. The cost of this method ranges depending on the size and number of entry points that need to be sealed.​

One-way doors ars the best way and most cost-effective way to deal with raccoon infestationsExclusion service, combined with a one-way door, is the best option to stop unwanted raccoons and squirrels from damaging vulnerable areas of your home.


Raccoons Are One Of The Most Common Animals To Invade Attics.

Significant Damage Can Be Caused By Raccoons In The Roof

If you're a do-it-yourself type dealing with a raccoon problem, some steps can be taken to keep them out of your attic. 


First, make sure that all food sources are removed. Raccoons are attracted to food, so if you have any pet food or bird seed lying around, be sure to put it away. You should also remove any fallen fruit from trees or gardens. 


Next, seal up any potential entry points that raccoons and other nuisance critters could use to get into your attic. Check the fascia and soffit for holes, and repair them with wire mesh or hardware cloth. Be sure to seal around chimneys and vents as well. 


Finally, you can install a one-way door on the opening that raccoons are using to get into your attic. This will allow them to exit but not re-enter. Once they're out, make sure to seal up the opening so they can't get back in. 


By following these steps, you can keep raccoons out of your attic and prevent them from causing damage to your home.

When Is Raccoon Baby Season

Raccoon baby season is a time of year when baby raccoons are born and begin to explore the world outside their mother's den. This typically occurs in southern Ontario between April and June. A litter of baby raccoons will stay hidden inside the attic for roughly eight weeks; after this time, baby raccoons are often seen wandering around on their own, and it is not uncommon for them to end up separated from their siblings and mother. If you see a baby raccoon, it is important to leave it alone and not attempt to remove it yourself. Raccoon removal services have the experience and equipment necessary to safely and humanely remove baby raccoons from urban areas. In addition, they can ensure that the mother raccoon is not harmed in the process. Baby raccoon season may be a time of year when you see more raccoons in your neighbourhood, especially during the daytime, but it is important to remember that these animals are just doing what comes naturally to them. With a little patience and understanding, we can all coexist peacefully.

Raccoon Removal Cost Brampton

Raccoons are a common sight in Brampton, Ontario. The Raccoon Removal Cost in Brampton, Ontario, can range depending on the company you call and the severity of the Raccoon Problem. Most Raccoon removal companies can give you a fairly accurate estimate over the phone to do the minimum work because their must be at least one entry hole if raccoons are in the attic.


To get a quote for prevention services it's necessary to physically inspect your home or business to get an accurate estimate. 


Raccoon Removal Cost. The Raccoon Removal Cost in Brampton, Ontario, can also depend on how many Raccoons are present and how much damage they have caused. If you have a Raccoon problem, it is important to call a Raccoon removal company as soon as possible to get an accurate Raccoon Removal Cost.


Raccoon Poop - Is It Dangerous & How To Clean

Raccoon feces may look harmless, but it can actually be pretty dangerous. The main concern with raccoon droppings is the fact that it can contain a lot of harmful bacteria. This bacteria can cause serious gastrointestinal illness in humans, and it can even be fatal in some cases. In addition, raccoon poop can also harbor diseases like raccoon roundworms; the roundworm eggs can cause neurological problems in humans. If you come into contact with raccoon poop, it's important to wash your hands thoroughly and clean up the area as best as you can. While raccoon poop may not be the most pleasant thing to deal with, it's important to remember that it can also be dangerous if not handled properly.


How Are Raccoons Able To Break Into Garbage Cans & Attis So Easily?

Raccoons are well known for their furry paws and Opposable thumbs. Raccoon paws are very dexterous, allowing them to grasp and manipulate objects easily. In addition, their opposable thumbs give them a considerable amount of dexterity, which allows them to open doors, turn knobs, and even use tools like the nimble hands of a human. Raccoons use their paws and thumbs to help them in their search for food. For example, they use their paws to dig through trash cans and dumpsters for food. In addition, they use their thumbs to open doors and “finger” through garbage bags. Raccoons are also known for their “washcloth” -like the appearance of their paw pads, which is because they have relatively short fingers and toes in comparison to the size of their palm pads. This anatomical feature gives raccoons greater dexterity when using their paws and thumbs. All these characteristics make raccoons one of the most interesting animals in the world.

Do Raccoons Hibernate?

Raccoons are interesting animals. People often wonder if raccoons hibernate since they are known for being nocturnal mammals that sleep during the day. The answer is yes and no. Raccoons do not truly hibernate, but their sleeping habits change during the winter months. In the summer, raccoons are active at night and sleep during the day. They often establish a den in a hollow tree or log where they can stay cool and rest. During the winter, raccoons may spend more time sleeping than they do in the summer, but they do not go into a deep sleep like bears or other animals that hibernate. Instead, their body temperature and heart rate simply drop to conserve energy. So, while raccoons may spend more time sleeping in the winter, they do not technically hibernate.


Why Do Raccoons Roll Up The Newly Laid Sod In Your Yard?


Raccoons are intelligent animals that are known for their mischief. One of their favourite pastimes is digging up newly laid sod and rolling it up into a ball. This may seem like pointless destruction, but there are actually a few reasons why raccoons engage in this behaviour. For one, raccoons are attracted to the smell of fresh earth, and they use their sense of smell to find food. By rolling up the sod, they can better sense the smells from the ground. In addition, raccoons also use their sense of touch to explore their surroundings. Rolling up the sod allows them to get a better feel for the texture of the ground beneath. Also, raccoons are attracted to the sound of insects burrowing underground and are attracted to the worms, grubs and insects that live in the soil. By digging up the grass, they have easy access to these tasty treats. By rolling up the sod, they can create a temporary barrier that muffles the sound of the insects, making it easier for them to catch their prey. So next time you see a raccoon rolling up your freshly laid sod, remember that they aren't just being destructive - they're actually following their natural instincts. If you want to deter raccoons from digging up your lawn, try installing a fence or placing rocks around the perimeter of the affected area.

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